Functional Cupping


This unique method of treatment integrates vacuum cupping therapy with the anatomy trains concept, kinetic chains and functional movement patterns to make dramatic changes in sporting, occupational and other functional movements. Integrating cupping therapy with myofascial release methods helps to change functional movement patterns, releasing restricted tissue and improving your nervous systems awareness and control at the same time.

This dynamic approach to cupping is highly individualised to the clients own movement deficits and through its holistic approach, not only improves range of motion, but also reduces the risk of injury both locally and distally along kinetic chains.

Functional Release Cupping takes the traditional concept of myofascial cupping and incorporates an evidence based approach to its application, while ensuring the treatment is highly outcome focused.

This technique is heavily client-guided, which means through our instruction you can take control of the outcomes and the pace at which the treatment moves. Largely this application is useful for restriction of fascia, dysfunction in the facial line or connective tissues that surround our muscles. This type of tissue requires an appropriate force to be applied for an appropriate length of time. It cannot be rushed and should not be painful. Please note, the force of the cups is a negative pressure/ suction and can leave some temporary discoloration at the cupping site, the scale of which can vary between individuals. Cups are applied to the skin with the use of a hand pump and while suction is moderate to firm this should be a pain-free application. Many of our clients report dramatic increases in range of motion and function immediately after their treatment and are lining up for more. We have found cupping to be a game-changer for our clinical outcomes and clients’ performance.

Why Functional Release Cupping?

  • To restore healthy, functional movement
  • Reduce areas of restriction and associated pain
  • Improve motor pathway recruitment to facilitate tissue release and improve overall movement and function
  • Provide input to the nervous system
  • Positively impact dysfunction, restriction and pain


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