Still in Iso? How to Maintain Your Mental and Physical Health.

Still in Iso? How to Maintain Your Mental and Physical Health.

Most of us in this first half of 2020 are working from or spending more time at home.

With the weather getting cooler, the frustration with your own environment and the company of your iso pals can wear thinner by the day.

One thing that is universally important to all of us is prioritizing physical health and activity.

Moving your body has enormous benefits not only for your physical health but also for your mental wellness. It boosts your immune system and helps you maintain motivation in the monotony.

Let’s get a big juicy dose of endorphins right here, right now with Myogen’s top 10 tips for maintaining physical health while at home.

  1. Keep a routine – Have a daily process and be accountable to yourself. Not every day will go to plan but structure helps productivity.
  2. Create space – If your space is ready to roll or easily accessible, it’s one less hurdle to achieving your goal.
  3. Planning – write stuff down when you think of it. Create a list of weekly activities (meals, workouts, action items, life admin) then break activities down into daily tasks.
  4. Prioritise movement – Any type you like is great! Aim for at least 30 minutes a day. If you feel time-poor, get up a little earlier as first thing in the morning is a great time to get moving.
  5. Play & have fun – Get the kids and pets involved! Set challenges, have fun with obstacle courses or family Olympics, play chasey, climb a tree, dance, or play back yard games.
  6. Progress to grow – It doesn’t matter where you start but challenge your physical limits little by little. Do a longer distance, increase the number of reps, challenge yourself to try new exercise options.
  7. Good fuel & hydration – When we are out of our normal routine, often the first thing to change is our eating habits. Plan around your new routine to prevent excessive snacking and choose nutritious options where possible. Keep a water bottle or two around the house and aim to keep sipping water throughout the day.
  8. Break up your day – If you’re feeling restless, bored, or frustrated that’s a great time to change pace and introduce movement to help lift your mood. Walk and talk – call a friend while you go for a walk. Throw a ball for the dog. Do some mobility on the foam roller. Hang out the washing.
  9. Breathe, Sleep, recover – slow down and focus on mindful breathing. It helps lower stress by reducing cortisol, the stress hormone. Try an app like Smiling Mind or Headspace. Sleep is important for recovery so aim to get 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Limiting screen time before bed and exercising during the day can positively impact sleep quality.
  10. Get inspiration/ advice on getting started – our team can tailor a mobility or training program to your individual needs (sports specific, skill progression, performance) so get in touch.

We have reopened! Online bookings are currently suspended so please call us on 02 5105 4109 or e-mail at

Making people great again!

Jess Clark.